Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Wirral Archers Club is fully committed to Archery GB’s Equality and Diversity Policy

We are dedicated to encouraging a supportive culture in our club. Every member will be respected and valued, enabling them to give their best as a result. We respect the rights, dignity and worth of every member.

This policy reinforces our commitment to providing fairness to everyone, regardless of age, disability/ability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, social/economic status, race, ethnic origin,nationality, national origin, religion or belief or sex and sexual orientation.

We will not accept any form of discrimination, intimidation, bullying, victimisation, or harassment and will take disciplinary action against anyone who breaks this policy. It is the responsibility of every member to challenge unacceptable behavior and to report any incident to our Safeguarding Officer or another member of the committee.